Below you’ll find a list of links where you can learn more about the different ways…to learn more!
The aim of this list of sites to visit is to help you develop and increase your knowledge in digital fields (projects, software, workshops, expertise, etc.) in a self-taught way.
PS : Unfortunately, all the links are in French. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you know of any other resources in English that could enrich this page !
Modulo : ressources pour l’enseignement de l’informatique au gymnase
EDUCODE : espace de construction et rédaction collective
ADA & ZANGEMANN : Un conte sur les logiciels, le skateboard et la glace à la framboise
TACTIC ASBL : Pour une écologie des pratiques numériques
LOUIS DERRAC : acteur indépendant et militant de l’éducation au numérique
CLIC : kiosque à services et contenus libres et partageables
PIX : évaluer, développer, et certifier ses compétences numériques.
why share your knowledge
There is a good chance that those around you are not aware of the issues related to personal data. That’s why we encourage you to talk about it around you, to share this page, but also everything you’ve learned while browsing our website or elsewhere.
Because it is our collective actions that will lead to decisive decisions regarding the protection of our digital privacy.