
IMPETUS – Interview | Videos

The gig economy has boomed in recent years, allowing workers to pick and choose when they work around their daily lives…

Sitra’s Webinar – Introducing Data Collectives | Videos

Watch the video presentations by Jessica Pidoux and Paul-Olivier Dehaye at the Sitra Webinar about our work with the MAZE cooperative…

Transnational Forum on Alternatives to Uberisation | Videos

The Transnational Forum on Alternatives to Uberisation will bring together hundreds of workers, lawyers, trade unionists and experts on uberisation…

Nos Amours Froides / Our Cold Loves – Ariane Loze x PersonalData.IO | Videos

Ariane Loze (°1988, Brussels, lives in Brussels) uses her camera to study the way in which images that are a priori unrelated to one another give rise to a

If you didn’t choose A, you will probably choose B – Ariane Loze x PersonalData.IO | Videos

The heroine of this new film, an active thirty-something in a suit, is constantly being analyzed, spied on and alpacaed by algorithms (personified “zeros” and “ones”, in…

« Flows of Personal Data and Side Channels » Paul-Olivier Dehaye at FIC2020 | Videos

Paul-Olivier Dehaye is the founder of PersonalData.IO, an association working to make data protection rights effective…

Paul-Olivier Dehaye – The Great Hack – uncovering the Cambridge Analytica Scandal | Videos

Paul-Olivier Dehaye talks with Idka’s Elizabeth Perry – Behind the scenes of The Great Hack Documentary, and uncovering the Cambridge Analytica Scandal…